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Investigating Eyes-away Mid-air Typing in Virtual Reality using Squeeze haptics-based Postural Reinforcement

Published: 19 April 2023 Publication History


In this paper, we investigate postural reinforcement haptics for mid-air typing using squeeze actuation on the wrist. We propose and validate eye-tracking based objective metrics that capture the impact of haptics on the user’s experience, which traditional performance metrics like speed and accuracy are not able to capture. To this end, we design four wrist-based haptic feedback conditions: no haptics, vibrations on keypress, squeeze+vibrations on keypress, and squeeze posture reinforcement + vibrations on keypress. We conduct a text input study with 48 participants to compare the four conditions on typing and gaze metrics. Our results show that for expert qwerty users, posture reinforcement haptics significantly benefit typing by reducing the visual attention on the keyboard by up to 44% relative to no haptics, thus enabling eyes-away behaviors.

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