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Blockchain (not) for Everyone: Design Challenges of Blockchain-based Applications

Published: 19 April 2023 Publication History


Upon its arrival, the Ethereum blockchain promised to introduce a new paradigm of Internet-based applications that would revolutionize multiple fields, from finance to IoT to the public sector. Until now, scientific efforts have been primarily focused on theoretical discussions about the implications of the technology and on technical proposals to improve and consolidate the underlying infrastructure, neglecting the experience of people using blockchain-based systems. However, for this technology to permeate the mainstream, blockchain technology should be easily accessible to the general public. This paper reports on evaluations conducted with first-time blockchain users of two Internet-mediated communities using prototype applications built on Ethereum. Results unveil that even users familiar with technology experienced severe difficulties using blockchain-based apps. Also, we saw how blockchain metaphors and transaction-mediated interactions challenge established mental models for modern applications, imposing heavy workloads on users. We conclude the paper by discussing design implications resulting from blockchain’s paradigm change.

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CHI EA '23: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
April 2023
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Published: 19 April 2023

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  1. blockchain
  2. decentralized applications
  3. user experience


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  • (2025)An Exploratory Study About Integrating Enterprise Engineering Change Management into Blockchain TechnologyJournal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research10.3390/jtaer2001000620:1(6)Online publication date: 6-Jan-2025
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  • (2024)Adoption Barriers of Blockchain Technology in E commerce Platform - Developer Experience: Systematic Review of Literature2024 International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE)10.1109/SCSE61872.2024.10550504(1-6)Online publication date: 4-Apr-2024
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