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Spread: Decentralized Model Aggregation for Scalable Federated Learning

Published: 13 January 2023 Publication History


Federated learning (FL) is a new distributed machine learning paradigm that enables machine learning on edge devices. One unique feature of FL is that edge devices belong to individuals; and since they are not “owned” by the FL coordinator, but can be “federated” instead, there can potentially be a huge number of edge devices. In the current distributed ML architecture, the parameter server (PS) architecture, model aggregation is centralized. When facing a large number of edge devices, the centralized model aggregation becomes the bottleneck and fundamentally restricts system scalability.
In this paper, we present Spread to decentralize model aggregation. Spread is a tiered architecture where nodes are organized into clusters so that model aggregation can be offloaded to certain edge devices. We design a Spread-based FL system: it employs a new algorithm for cluster construction and an adaptive algorithm that regulates, in runtime, inter-cluster model training and intra-cluster model training. We present an implementation of a functional system by extending the Federated Learning system. Our evaluation shows that Spread can resolve the bottleneck of centralized model aggregation. Spread yields an 8.05 × and a 5.58 × model training speedup as compared to existing FL systems supported by the PS and allReduce architecture.


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    ICPP '22: Proceedings of the 51st International Conference on Parallel Processing
    August 2022
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    Published: 13 January 2023


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    1. Federated learning
    2. model aggregation
    3. scalability
    4. tiering


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    ICPP '22
    ICPP '22: 51st International Conference on Parallel Processing
    August 29 - September 1, 2022
    Bordeaux, France

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    • (2024)A comprehensive survey of federated transfer learning: challenges, methods and applicationsFrontiers of Computer Science10.1007/s11704-024-40065-x18:6Online publication date: 23-Jul-2024
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