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Internetware '22: Proceedings of the 13th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware
ACM2022 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
Internetware 2022: 13th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware Hohhot China June 11 - 12, 2022
15 September 2022
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SESSION: Session: Android and Web Application Analysis
Open Access
Functional Scenario Classification for Android Applications using GNNs

Functional scenario comprehension of screens in Android applications paves the way for Android app development and Android UI testing, especially in automated UI testing and test reuse. On the one hand, the screens of diverse Android applications ...

Understanding the Impact of Visual Factors on the Experience of Loading Web Apps

The experience of loading Web Apps has gained a lot of attention from both academic researchers and industrial practitioners. State-of-the-art efforts mainly focus on reducing the metric of Page Loading Time (PLT), making the resources of Web Apps ...

Automatic Maturity Rating for Android Apps

Nowadays, various apps greatly facilitate children’s lives and studies, while some apps also make illegal and inappropriate content (e.g., gambling, pornography) more accessible to children and adolescents. As the primary source of apps, several app ...

A novel classification approach for Android malware based on feature fusion and natural language processing

The growing use of Android software has made mobile devices the main platform for information services such as mobile social media and financial services. Mobile software provides great convenience but also brings challenges to the software community. ...

WAIN: Automatic Web Application Identification and Naming Method

As the defense shifts from vulnerability-centric to threat-centric and efficient security architecture can exclusively be constructed with adequate comprehension of the threat of the critical assets. In order to classify and identify the assets, the ...

SESSION: Session: Coding and Code Representation
Represent Code as Action Sequence for Predicting Next Method Call

As human beings take actions with a goal in mind, we could predict the following action of a person depending on his previous actions. Inspired by this, after collecting and analyzing more than 13,000 repositories with 441,290 Python source code files ...

AUGraft: Graft New API Usage into Old Code

Software libraries are essential in software development process. When a library evolves, client applications that rely on the library APIs are supposed to migrate their code to utilize new or updated features. Code migration is a challenging task, as ...

Code Clone Detection based on Event Embedding and Event Dependency

The code clone detection method based on semantic similarity has important value in software engineering tasks (e.g., software evolution, software reuse). Traditional code clone detection technologies pay more attention to the similarity of code at the ...

SESSION: Session: Bug Localization and Program Repair
Bridging the Gap between Different Programming Paradigms in Coverage-based Fault Localization

Fault localization is to identify faulty program elements. Among the large number of fault localization approaches in the literature, coverage-based fault localization, especially spectrum-based fault localization has been intensively studied due to ...

Graph Neural Network based Two-Phase Fault Localization Approach

Spectrum-based fault localization(SBFL) has become one of the most widely studied localization techniques by its effectiveness and lightweightness. However, existing simple SBFL techniques are still not accurate enough for they are not able to ...

Neural Program Repair : Systems, Challenges and Solutions

Automated Program Repair (APR) aims to automatically fix bugs in the source code. Recently, with advances in Deep Learning (DL) field, there has been an increase of Neural Program Repair (NPR) studies that use neural networks to model the patch-...

Enhanced Evolutionary Automated Program Repair by Finer-Granularity Ingredients and Better Search Algorithms

Bug repair is time-consuming and tedious, which hampers software maintenance. To alleviate the burden, automated program repair (APR) is proposed and has been fruitful in the last decade. Evolutionary repair is the seminal work of this field and ...

SESSION: Session: AI and Software Engineering
Untangling Composite Commits by Attributed Graph Clustering

During software development, it is considered to be a best practice if each commit represents one distinct concern, such as fixing a bug or adding a new feature. However, developers may not always follow this practice and sometimes tangle multiple ...

Incorporating Pre-trained Transformer Models into TextCNN for Sentiment Analysis on Software Engineering Texts

Software information sites (e.g., Jira, Stack Overflow) are now wide-ly used in software development. These online platforms for collaborative development preserve a large amount of Software Engineering (SE) texts. These texts enable researchers to ...

Detecting Defects in Deep Learning Systems: a Survey

Thanks to the recent breakthroughs in deep learning (DL) methods and ever-increasing computation power, nowadays DL models are being increasingly applied to all kinds of fields. They, along with other software modules, compose complex DL systems such ...

EL-CodeBert: Better Exploiting CodeBert to Support Source Code-Related Classification Tasks

With the development of deep learning and natural language processing techniques, the performance of many source code-related tasks can be improved by using pre-trained models. Of these pre-trained models, CodeBert is a bi-modal pre-trained model for ...

SESSION: Session: Complex Systems Analysis
A Taxonomy for Architecting Safe Autonomous Unmanned Systems

Autonomous Unmanned Systems (AUSs) emerge to replace human operators for better efficiency and effectiveness, especially in harsh and dangerous environments which frequently imply uncertainty. Safety has become one of the top concerns for AUS designs. ...

An Efficient HPU Resource Virtualization Framework for Human-Machine Computing Systems

Driven by state-of-the-art AI technologies, human-AI collaboration has become an important area in computer supported teamwork research. Principles for Human-Machine Computing (HMC) have been discussed to accomplish complex goals by outsourcing some ...

A Preliminary Study of Bots Usage in Open Source Community

Bots are seen as a promising approach in software development, which help to deal with the ever-increasing complexity of modern software engineering and development. The number of bots in open source community, such as GitHub, has expanded ...

Incremental Causal Consistency Checking for Read-Write Memory Histories

Causal consistency is one of the strongest consistency models that can be implemented to ensure availability under network partition in distributed systems. The problem of causal consistency checking asks whether a given history of some system is ...

SESSION: Session: Defect Prediction and Test Selection
Evolutionary Measures for Object-oriented Projects and Impact on the Performance of Cross-version Defect Prediction

Cross-version defect prediction (CVDP) has attracted more attention of researchers in recent years. For an evolutionary project, multiple versions will be produced during the process of software evolution. However, for multiple versions of an object-...

Bug Report Priority Prediction Using Developer-Oriented Socio-Technical Features

Software stakeholders report bugs in Issue Tracking System (ITS) with manually labeled priorities. However, the lack of knowledge and standard for prioritization may cause stakeholders to mislabel the priorities. In response, priority predictors are ...

An adaptive search optimization algorithm for improving the detection capability of software vulnerability

Deep learning-based vulnerability detection frees human experts from the tedious task of defining features and allows for better detection capabilities. The common practice is to convert program code into vector representation for neural network model ...

Randoop-TSR: Random-based Test Generator with Test Suite Reduction

Software testing plays a very important role in the software development process. Automated test generation tools increase the effectiveness and efficiency of software testing, and alleviate the problem of low efficiency caused by writing hand-crafted ...

SESSION: Session: Software Analysis and Optimization
DeepLabel: Automated Issue Classification for Issue Tracking Systems

With the growth of Issue Tracking Systems, issue reports have become an important data to aid software maintenance and evaluation. Issue classification is one of the most important methods for such purpose, which aims to automatically distinguish ...

Combining Code Context and Fine-grained Code Difference for Commit Message Generation

Generating natural language messages for source code changes is an essential task in software development and maintenance. Existing solutions mainly treat a piece of code difference as natural language, and adopt seq2seq learning to translate it into a ...

Is your access allowed or not? A Verified Tag-based Access Control Framework for the Multi-domain TEE

The challenge of requirements for the finer-grained isolated domain in Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) has been increasing, including the accuracy and security of resource management. However, the current access control mechanism for TEE cannot ...

Towards Just-In-Time Feature Request Approval Prediction

Open user forums for software products have gradually become an important source of software new features. However, analyzing the rapidly growing user feature requests also brings a huge workload to software managers. Generally, only acceptable ...

SESSION: Session: Fuzzing and Mutation
Investigating Coverage Guided Fuzzing with Mutation Testing

Coverage guided fuzzing (CGF) is an effective testing technique which has detected hundreds of thousands of bugs from various software applications. It focuses on maximizing code coverage to reveal more bugs during fuzzing. However, a higher coverage ...

CaDeCFF: Compiler-Agnostic Deobfuscator of Control Flow Flattening

With the increasing influence of malware and various attacks, malware detection methods have been continuously proposed. However, in order to evade malware detection, code obfuscation which makes programs harder to understand, is widely used by malware ...

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Acceptance Rates

Overall Acceptance Rate 55 of 111 submissions, 50%
Internetware '19352057%
Internetware '18262077%
Internetware '13501530%