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Record or Recall? Exploring Self-Reported Dietary Assessment Methods for Office Workers during the COVID-19 Work-from-Home Period

Published: 08 October 2022 Publication History


The workplace represents an important venue to influence eating behaviors. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the workplace has rapidly shifted from office to home (WfH). Here, two mobile self-reported dietary assessment methods were compared (4-hour Recall vs. Food Record) to monitor food intake for WfH. A within-subject study involving 30 participants was conducted over a 4-week period. We assessed the workload and acceptance of these two methods using questionnaires and follow-up interviews. Results of questionnaires revealed that most participants presented high acceptance of Food Record related to a more flexible completion time and lower mental burden. Based on interviews, we presented a set of design insights to promote WfH healthy eating, including integrating reminders into daily routines, simplifying the tracking process, and adding gaming elements. Then, we discussed design implications, including integrating digital tools into daily routines and designing simple and playful using processes, to promote healthy eating during the WfH period.


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  1. Record or Recall? Exploring Self-Reported Dietary Assessment Methods for Office Workers during the COVID-19 Work-from-Home Period



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