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Time and its Study in Design Ideation Processes

Published: 08 October 2022 Publication History


The theme of the workshop is the real-life impact of time on the emergence and development of design ideas. The main focus of creative research, including on design ideas, has been on getting a creative idea and on the idea itself [1]. As a result, the ways in which ideas are developed, presented, and interpreted has been left underexplored [2]. Without this recognition of the real-life impact of time on creative ideas, it might seem as if these ideas sprung up “spontaneously” in that event, but the reality is very different. The underrecognition of time on creative processes has also led to a lack of recognition of what the analytical ‘cuts’ [5] of these models do. In this workshop, we want to bring time and the temporality of creative design processes to the forefront, so we might develop a greater sensitivity to time in our design research, a better understanding of its impacts, and a more precise method toolbox. Our one-day workshop will consist of a keynote lecture, research presentations, lively discussion, and group brainstorming.


Vlad Peter Glaveanu. 2014. Distributed Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box of the Creative Individual. Cham: Springer.
Chris Bilton. 2007. Management and Creativity: from creative industries to creative management. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Howard E. Gruber and Doris. B. Wallace. 1999. The case study method and evolving systems approach for understanding unique creative people at work. In Robert J. Sternberg (ed.). Handbook of Creativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 93–115.
Robert W. Weisberg. 1993. Creativity: beyond the myth of the genius. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman & Co. Pp. 230.
Karen Barad. 2003. Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter. In: Signs. 28(3) Gender and Science: New Issues. Pp. 801-831
Graham Wallas. (1926). The art of thought. New York, NY: Harcourt-Brace.
Vlad Peter Glaveanu. 2014. Distributed Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box of the Creative Individual. Cham: Springer. Pp. 75
Elizabeth Freeman. 2010. Time Binds: Queer Temporalities, Queer Histories. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Signe Howell. 2018. Ethnography. In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Felix Stein (ed.). Last accessed 20 May 2022 from
John Hughes, Val King, Tom Rodden, and Hans Andersen. 1994. Moving out from the control room: ethnography in system design. In Proceedings of the 1994 AMC conference on Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW ‘94). October 1994. 429-439.
David R. Millen. 2000. Rapid ethnography: time deepening strategies for HCI field research. In Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Designing Interactive Systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques (DIS ’00). August 2000. 280-286.
Hubert Knoblauch. 2005. “Focused Ethnography.” Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 6(3). 3440. Retrieved: 7 Oct. 2021.
Paul Dourish. 2006. Implications for Design. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’06). April 2006. 541-550.
Renée C. Hoogland and Karin Sellberg. 2018. Introduction. xiii-xvii. In Gender: Time. Karin Sellberg (ed.). Farmington Hills, Mich: Macmillian Interdisciplinary Handbooks.
E.g., see Wanda J. Orlikowski. 2007. Sociomaterial practices: Exploring technology at work. Organization Studies, 28(9). Pp. 1435-1448, Ulrike Schultze. 2017. What kind of world do we want to help make with our theories? Information and Organization. 27(1). Pp. 60-66, Lucy Suchman. 2002. Located accountabilities in technology production. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems. 14(2). Pp. 91-106.
Donna Haraway. 1991. Simians, cyborgs and women: The reinvention of nature. Routledge. Pp. 177, as quoted in Ulrike Schultze, Gijs van den Heuvel, Gijs, and Marko Niemimaa. 2020. Enacting Accountability in IS Research after the Sociomaterial Turn(ing). Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 21(4). Pp. 812
See Reza Mousavi Baygi, Lucas D. Itrona, and Lotta Hultin. 2021. Everything Flows: Studying Continuous Sociotechnological Transformations in a Fluid and Dynamic Digital World. MIS Quarterly. 45(1). Pp. 423-452 for a more detailed discussion.

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  • (2024)"And this is where we fu***d up!" Lessons learned from Participatory Design in Digital Civic InitiativesAdjunct Proceedings of the 2024 Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/3677045.3685450(1-3)Online publication date: 13-Oct-2024



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cover image ACM Other conferences
NordiCHI '22 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2022 Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference
October 2022
216 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 08 October 2022

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Author Tags

  1. Design creativity
  2. Design ideas
  3. Methodology
  4. Temporality
  5. Time


  • Extended-abstract
  • Research
  • Refereed limited


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  • (2024)"And this is where we fu***d up!" Lessons learned from Participatory Design in Digital Civic InitiativesAdjunct Proceedings of the 2024 Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/3677045.3685450(1-3)Online publication date: 13-Oct-2024

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