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VRust: Automated Vulnerability Detection for Solana Smart Contracts

Published: 07 November 2022 Publication History


Solana is a rapidly-growing high-performance blockchain powered by a Proof of History (PoH) consensus mechanism and a novel stateless programming model that decouples code from data. With parallel execution on the PoH Sealevel runtime (instead of PoW), it achieves 100X-1000X speedups compared to Ethereum in terms of transactions per second. With the new programming model, new constraints (owner, signer, keys, bump seeds) and vulnerabilities (missing checks, overflows, type confusion, etc.) must be carefully verified to ensure the security of Solana smart contracts.
This paper proposes VRust, the first automated smart contract vulnerability detection framework for Solana. A key technical novelty is a set of static analysis rules for validating untrustful input accounts that are unique in the Solana programming model. We have developed a total of eight different vulnerability types, and VRust is able to check all of them fully automatically by translating source code into Rust MIR-based inference rules without any code annotations. VRust has been evaluated on over a hundred of Solana projects, and it has revealed 12 previously unknown vulnerabilities, including 3 critical vulnerabilities in the official Solana Programming Library confirmed by core developers.


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CCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
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Published: 07 November 2022


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