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SpecDoctor: Differential Fuzz Testing to Find Transient Execution Vulnerabilities

Published: 07 November 2022 Publication History


Transient execution vulnerabilities have critical security impacts to software systems since those break the fundamental security assumptions guaranteed by the CPU. Detecting these critical vulnerabilities in the RTL development stage is particularly important, as it offers a chance to fix the vulnerability early before reaching the chip manufacturing stage.
This paper proposes SpecDoctor, an automated RTL fuzzer to discover transient execution vulnerabilities in the CPU. To be specific, SpecDoctor designs a fuzzing template, allowing it to test all different scenarios of transient execution vulnerabilities (e.g., Meltdown, Spectre, ForeShadow, etc.) with a single template. Then SpecDoctor performs a multi-phased fuzzing, where each phase is dedicated to solve an individual vulnerability constraint in the RTL context, thereby effectively finding the vulnerabilities.
We implemented and evaluated SpecDoctor on two out-of-order RISC-V CPUs, Boom and NutShell-Argo. During the evaluation, SpecDoctor found transient-execution vulnerabilities which share the similar attack vectors as the previous works. Furthermore, SpecDoctor found two interesting variants which abuse unique attack vectors: Boombard, and Birgus. Boombard exploits an unknown implementation bug in RISC-V Boom, exacerbating it into a critical transient execution vulnerability. Birgus launches a Spectre-type attack with a port contention side channel in NutShell CPU, which is constructed using a unique combination of instructions. We reported the vulnerabilities, and both are confirmed by the developers, illustrating the strong practical impact of SpecDoctor.


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