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Exposing the Rat in the Tunnel: Using Traffic Analysis for Tor-based Malware Detection

Published: 07 November 2022 Publication History


Tor~\citetor is the most widely used anonymous communication network with millions of daily users~\citetormetrics. Since Tor provides server and client anonymity, hundreds of malware binaries found in the wild rely on it to hide their presence and hinder Command & Control (C&C) takedown operations. We believe Tor is a paramount tool enabling online freedom and privacy, and blocking it to defend against such malware is infeasible for both users and organizations. In this work, we present effective traffic analysis approaches that can accurately identify Tor-based malware communication. We collect hundreds of Tor-based malware binaries, execute and examine more than 47,000 active encrypted malware connections and compare them with benign browsing traffic. In addition to traditional traffic analysis features (which work at the connection level), we propose global host-level network features to capture peculiar malware communication fingerprints across host logs. Our experiments confirm that our models are able to detect "zero-day'' malware connections with 0.7% FPR even when malware connections constitute less than 5% of Tor traces in the test set. Using multi-labeling approaches, we are able to accurately detect the malware behavior-based classes (grayware, ransomware, etc). Finally, we evaluate the robustness of our models on real-world enterprise logs and show that the classifiers can identify infected hosts even with missing features.


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