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Development of a 3D Avatar to improve the User Experience of a Movement-based Rehabilitation System

Published: 09 September 2022 Publication History


In the past years, rehabilitation systems have been proposed to allow patients to perform physical therapy from their own homes. To assist them in this task, 3D avatars can be used to guide them through the different exercises. In this paper, we have transformed and improved a movement-based physical rehabilitation system, called Rehabilita, to enhance the user experience of the patients. By adding a 3D avatar to guide users through physical therapy, and updating the UI elements of the system, we have improved the user experience of the patients. These modifications have followed the proposals of a heuristic evaluation proposed in a previous work. An evaluation with real users was later carried out to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the modifications performed over the original system. The assessment results show that users can follow the steps of an exercise more easily, although some limitations must be discussed.


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Index Terms

  1. Development of a 3D Avatar to improve the User Experience of a Movement-based Rehabilitation System



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    Interacción '22: Proceedings of the XXII International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
    September 2022
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    Published: 09 September 2022


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    1. 3D Avatar
    2. Movement-Based Interaction
    3. Natural User Interface


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    • Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
    • Regional government (JCCM) and the European Regional Development Funds (FEDER)


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