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Motion In-Betweening via Two-Stage Transformers

Published: 30 November 2022 Publication History


We present a deep learning-based framework to synthesize motion in-betweening in a two-stage manner. Given some context frames and a target frame, the system can generate plausible transitions with variable lengths in a non-autoregressive fashion. The framework consists of two Transformer Encoder-based networks operating in two stages: in the first stage a Context Transformer is designed to generate rough transitions based on the context and in the second stage a Detail Transformer is employed to refine motion details. Compared to existing Transformer-based methods which either use a complete Transformer Encoder-Decoder architecture or additional 1D convolutions to generate motion transitions, our framework achieves superior performance with less trainable parameters by only leveraging the Transformer Encoder and masked self-attention mechanism. To enhance the generalization of our transformer-based framework, we further introduce Keyframe Positional Encoding and Learned Relative Positional Encoding to make our method robust in synthesizing longer transitions exceeding the maximum transition length during training. Our framework is also artist-friendly by supporting full and partial pose constraints within the transition, giving artists fine control over the synthesized results. We benchmark our framework on the LAFAN1 dataset, and experiments show that our method outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods at a large margin (an average of 16% for normal-length sequences and 55% for excessive-length sequences). Our method trains faster than the RNN-based method and achieves a four-time speedup during inference. We implement our framework into a production-ready tool inside an animation authoring software and conduct a pilot study to validate the practical value of our method.

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