Cited By
View all- Maliszewski KQuiané-Ruiz JMarkl V(2023)Cracking-Like Join for Trusted Execution EnvironmentsProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3598581.359860216:9(2330-2343)Online publication date: 1-May-2023
Trusted execution environments (TEE) are CPU hardware extensions that provide security guarantees for applications running on untrusted operating systems. The security of TEEs is threatened by a variety of microarchitectural vulnerabilities, which ...
Remote and largely unattended sensing devices are being deployed rapidly in sensitive environments, such as healthcare, in the home, and on corporate premises. A major challenge, however, is trusting data from such devices to inform critical decision-...
A trusted execution environment (TEE) is a secure processing environment that is isolated from the normal processing environment where the device operating system and applications run. The first mobile phones with hardware-based TEEs appeared almost a ...
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