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The who, what and how of the current research at the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering

Published: 05 October 2022 Publication History


Software engineering is a socio-technical activity, and while many contributions focus on technical aspects, its research should benefit human stakeholders. The Who-What-How framework aims to capture the head beneficiary of a research study (the who), the predominant type of research contribution produced (the what), and the research strategies used in a study (the how), evaluating how these studies address the human aspects. This paper performs a replication study of “The who, what, how of software engineering research: a socio-technical framework” [50], which addressed the question of how papers from the ICSE and EMSE considered human aspects. This study uses the Who-What-How framework to analyze works published at the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering between 2019 and 2021. We analyzed 90 papers and found a significant amount of work that claims to benefit human stakeholders, most presented descriptive contributions and adopted the Respondent research strategy. Triangulation of research was low, as only 15 papers reported using mixed strategies.


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Edna Dias Canedo, Fabiana Mendes, Anderson Cerqueira, Marcio Okimoto, Gustavo Pinto, and Rodrigo Bonifacio. 2021. Breaking one barrier at a time: how women developers cope in a men-dominated industry. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 378–387.
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Eliane Collins, Arilo Neto, Auri Vincenzi, and José Maldonado. 2021. Deep Reinforcement Learning based Android Application GUI Testing. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 186–194.
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Jarbele CS Coutinho, Wilkerson L Andrade, and Patrícia DL Machado. 2019. Requirements engineering and software testing in Agile methodologies: A systematic mapping. In Proceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 322–331.
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Diego Rodrigues de Almeida, Patrícia DL Machado, and Wilkerson L Andrade. 2020. Context-Aware Android Applications Testing. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 283–292.
Walter Lucas Monteiro de Mendonça, Pedro Henrique Teixeira Costa, Emille Catarine Rodrigues Cançado, Fernanda Lima, Edna Dias Canedo, Rodrigo Bonifácio, and Luis Henrique Vieira Amaral. 2020. From Dusk till Dawn: Reflections on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Development Practices of a R&D Project. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 596–605.
Walter Lucas Monteiro de Mendonça, Pedro Henrique Teixeira Costa, Emille Catarine Rodrigues Cançado, Fernanda Lima, Edna Dias Canedo, Rodrigo Bonifácio, and Luis Henrique Vieira Amaral. 2020. From Dusk till Dawn: Reflections on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Development Practices of a R&D Project. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 596–605.
Gabriel F de Oliveira, Bruna Ferreira, and Anna Beatriz Marques. 2020. USARP method: eliciting and describing USAbility Requirements with Personas and user stories. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 437–446.
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Eliakim Gama, Sávio Freire, Manoel Mendonça, Rodrigo O Spínola, Matheus Paixao, and Mariela I Cortés. 2020. Using Stack Overflow to Assess Technical Debt Identification on Software Projects. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 730–739.
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Jean CR Hauck and Stéphanie da Silva Leal. 2020. How software organizations are using the ISO/IEC 29110 standard’s processes: a survey of the state of the art and practice. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 632–641.
Wesley BR Herculano, Melina Mongiovi, and Everton LG Alves. 2020. Manually Written or Generated Tests? A Study with Developers and Maintenance Tasks. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 273–282.
Ed Júnior, Kleinner Farias, and Bruno Silva. 2021. A Survey on the Use of UML in the Brazilian Industry. In Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 275–284.
Leila Karita, Brunna C Mourão, and Ivan Machado. 2019. Software industry awareness on green and sustainable software engineering: a state-of-the-practice survey. In Proceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 501–510.
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Rodrigo Lima, Jairo Souza, Baldoino Fonseca, Leopoldo Teixeira, Rohit Gheyi, Márcio Ribeiro, Alessandro Garcia, and Rafael de Mello. 2020. Understanding and Detecting Harmful Code. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 223–232.
Samuel Loli, Leopoldo Teixeira, and Bruno Cartaxo. 2020. A Catalog of Object-Relational Mapping Code Smells for Java. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 82–91.
Walter Lucas, Rodrigo Bonifácio, Edna Dias Canedo, Diego Marcílio, and Fernanda Lima. 2019. Does the introduction of lambda expressions improve the comprehension of java programs?. In Proceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 187–196.
Arthur Roberto Marcondes and Ricardo Terra. 2020. An approach for updating forks against the original project. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 213–222.
Leonardo Marques, Patrícia Matsubara, Walter Nakamura, Igor Wiese, Luciana Zaina, and Tayana Conte. 2019. UX-Tips: A UX evaluation technique to support the identification of software application problems. In Proceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 224–233.
Júlio Martins, Carla Bezerra, Anderson Uchôa, and Alessandro Garcia. 2020. Are code smell co-occurrences harmful to internal quality attributes? a mixed-method study. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 52–61.
Júlio Martins, Carla Bezerra, Anderson Uchôa, and Alessandro Garcia. 2021. How do Code Smell Co-occurrences Removal Impact Internal Quality Attributes? A Developers’ Perspective. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 54–63.
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Willian Oizumi, Ana C Bibiano, Diego Cedrim, Anderson Oliveira, Leonardo Sousa, Alessandro Garcia, and Daniel Oliveira. 2020. Recommending composite refactorings for smell removal: Heuristics and evaluation. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 72–81.
Edson Oliveira Jr, Gislaine Leal, Marco Túlio Valente, Marcelo Morandini, Rafael Prikladnicki, Leandro Pompermaier, Rafael Chanin, Clara Caldeira, Letícia Machado, and Cleidson de Souza. 2020. Surveying the impacts of COVID-19 on the perceived productivity of Brazilian software developers. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 586–595.
Barbara Prommegger, Jason Bennett Thatcher, Manuel Wiesche, and Helmut Krcmar. 2021. When your data has COVID-19: how the changing context disrupts data collection and what to do about it. European Journal of Information Systems 30, 1 (2021), 100–118.
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Reudismam Sousa, Gustavo Soares, Rohit Gheyi, Titus Barik, and Loris D’Antoni. 2021. Learning Quick Fixes from Code Repositories. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 74–83.
Lucinéia Souza, Sávio Freire, Verusca Rocha, Nicolli Rios, Rodrigo O Spínola, and Manoel Mendonça. 2020. Using surveys to build-up empirical evidence on test-related technical debt. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 750–759.
Margaret-Anne Storey, Neil A Ernst, Courtney Williams, and Eirini Kalliamvakou. 2020. The who, what, how of software engineering research: a socio-technical framework. Empirical Software Engineering 25, 5 (2020), 4097–4129.
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Vinícius Jorge Vendramini, Alfredo Goldman, and Grégory Mounié. 2020. Improving mobile app development using transpilers with maintainable outputs. In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. 354–363.
Sai Datta Vishnubhotla, Emilia Mendes, and Lars Lundberg. 2020. Investigating the relationship between personalities and agile team climate of software professionals in a telecom company. Information and Software Technology 126 (2020), 106335.
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  1. The who, what and how of the current research at the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
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          SBES '22: Proceedings of the XXXVI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
          October 2022
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          Published: 05 October 2022


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          SBES 2022
          SBES 2022: XXXVI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
          October 5 - 7, 2022
          Virtual Event, Brazil

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