MAFD: A Federated Distillation Approach with Multi-head Attention for Recommendation Tasks
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- MAFD: A Federated Distillation Approach with Multi-head Attention for Recommendation Tasks
A General Rating Recommended Weight-Aware Model for Recommendation System
HCC 2016: Revised Selected Papers of the Second International Conference on Human Centered Computing - Volume 9567In recommendation system, the ratings represent the users' preference and play an important role in recommending items to users. However, the ratings of items may be influenced by many factors, such as time the latest ratings are more able to reflect ...
Towards fair and personalized federated recommendation
AbstractRecommender systems have gained immense popularity in recent years for predicting users’ interests by learning embeddings. The majority of existing recommendation approaches, represented by graph neural network-based recommendation algorithms, ...
Highlights- We design a novel federated recommendation framework, which takes fairness and personalization of recommendation into consideration simultaneously.
- In the proposed framework, user local model, cluster-level model, and global model are ...
When Federated Recommendation Meets Cold-Start Problem: Separating Item Attributes and User Interactions
WWW '24: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024Federated recommendation system usually trains a global model on the server without direct access to users' private data on their own devices. However, this separation of the recommendation model and users' private data poses a challenge in providing ...
Information & Contributors
Published In
- Conference Chairs:
- Jiman Hong,
- Maart Lanperne,
- Program Chairs:
- Juw Won Park,
- Tomas Cerny,
- Publication Chair:
- Hossain Shahriar
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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