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An Efficient Dual Encryption of IoMT data Using Lightweight Security Scheme for Cloud Based IoT Environment

Published: 07 June 2023 Publication History


As Internet of Things (IoT) technology develops, medical equipment, wearables, sensors, and users can be linked together to create an ecosystem known as the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). IoMT enhances the effectiveness, precision, and affordability of the current healthcare system. It is difficult to guarantee data security and privacy of data in the IoMT ecosystem due to the fact that it incorporates several businesses, heterogeneous networks, and a lot of private information. IoT devices' processing and power requirements make it difficult to ensure their security. In order to secure their data and connections, many IoT systems use asymmetric cryptography and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). Implementing and deploying these security and privacy solutions for the IoT environment, however, continues to be a substantial problem due to the hardware restrictions of IoT objects. In this paper, we have presented a more effective lightweight cryptographic system based on Elliptic Curve and Dual Cryptography (ECDC) to strengthen ECC and secure communication between IoMT devices. It protects against all kinds of security problems, like authentication, privacy, and integrity, and stops common cyberattacks.


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