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IoT and Cloud based Face detection application design for Surveillance systems using Deep Learning

Published: 18 October 2022 Publication History


Semantic Index, Human Action Detection, and Event Detection are video surveillance packages that assist automate surveillance tasks. Video surveillance structures have entered the generation of virtual surveillance structures in which virtual video is used to traverse the course of different virtual facts. Advances in storage, telecommunications, and facts compression have enabled the increase of more than one technology in virtual surveillance structures. Using more than one video surveillance fashion in risky conditions extends the competencies of rule implementation organizations. In addition, video surveillance enables the form of a motion to carry out in one-of-a-kind conditions. In addition, spotting a particular man or woman in a video is essential for added security, multimedia, and multimedia packages, including offline, seek, and online monitoring of involved humans within the video. The proposed IoT- Cloud based Face detection application is designed to find a person from a huge size dataset and that can generate more accurate results. This application uses Deep Learning methods to find exactness when classifying the images. IoT here is used for liveness detection by comparing all the images present in cloud systems. For results comparison, we used Haar Cascade and DenseNet architectures.


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  1. IoT and Cloud based Face detection application design for Surveillance systems using Deep Learning



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    ICCBDC '22: Proceedings of the 2022 6th International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing
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    Published: 18 October 2022


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    1. Face detection
    2. IoT
    3. Person identification
    4. Surveillance system


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