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Improved Log-Gabor Wavelet and Cross-covariance PCA for Discriminating Defect and Stem/Calyx of Pear Images

Published: 29 October 2022 Publication History


Discriminating pear defects is a challenging issue due to great variations of different kinds of pear skins, a lot of freckles on the pear skins and similar visual characteristics between the pear defect and the stem/calyx. This paper presents a pear surface defect classification method based on improved Log-Gabor filter and cross-covariance PCA (Principal Component Analysis). Firstly, the nonlinear components are added to the coordinate formula of the Log-Gabor filter in order that the filter has a good curvature characteristic. Therefore, the improved Log-Gabor filter can be used to extract the local bending information of pear defect regions or stem/calyx regions effectively. Then, the cross-covariance matrix is defined and decomposed into the singular matrices that retain both auto-covariance information and cross-covariance information. Last, feature matrices of pear defect images are generated by cross-covariance PCA. The feature matrices are used to distinguish the defect pear images from intact pear images. The experimental results of the proposed algorithm on the datasets of several kinds of pears show that the algorithm can effectively distinguish pear defects from stems/calyxes and freckles on the skins of intact pears.


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Index Terms

  1. Improved Log-Gabor Wavelet and Cross-covariance PCA for Discriminating Defect and Stem/Calyx of Pear Images



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    Published: 29 October 2022


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