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The Influence of Personality Traits on User Interaction with Recommendation Interfaces

Published: 10 March 2023 Publication History


Users’ personality traits can take an active role in affecting their behavior when they interact with a computer interface. However, in the area of recommender systems (RS), though personality-based RS has been extensively studied, most works focus on algorithm design, with little attention paid to studying whether and how the personality may influence users’ interaction with the recommendation interface. In this manuscript, we report the results of a user study (with 108 participants) that not only measured the influence of users’ personality traits on their perception and performance when using the recommendation interface but also employed an eye-tracker to in-depth reveal how personality may influence users’ eye-movement behavior. Moreover, being different from related work that has mainly been conducted in a single product domain, our user study was performed in three typical application domains (i.e., electronics like smartphones, entertainment like movies, and tourism like hotels). Our results show that mainly three personality traits, i.e., Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness, significantly influence users’ perception and eye-movement behavior, but the exact influences vary across the domains. Finally, we provide a set of guidelines that might be constructive for designing a more effective recommendation interface based on user personality.


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      cover image ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
      ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems  Volume 13, Issue 1
      March 2023
      171 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 10 March 2023
      Online AM: 24 August 2022
      Accepted: 18 July 2022
      Revised: 08 February 2022
      Received: 03 September 2021
      Published in TIIS Volume 13, Issue 1


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      1. Recommendation interface
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      • (2024)Exploring people's perceptions of LLM-generated adviceComputers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans10.1016/j.chbah.2024.1000722:2(100072)Online publication date: Aug-2024
      • (2023)Machine Learning for Predicting Personality Traits from Eye Tracking2023 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA)10.1109/DASA59624.2023.10286789(126-130)Online publication date: 16-Sep-2023

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