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GPU Adaptive In-situ Parallel Analytics (GAP)

Published: 27 January 2023 Publication History


Despite the popularity of in-situ analytics in scientific computing, there is only limited work to date on in-situ analytics for simulations running on GPUs. Notably, two unaddressed challenges are 1) performing memory-efficient in-situ analysis on accelerators and 2)automatically choosing the processing resources and suitable data representation for a given query and platform. This paper addresses both problems. First, GAP makes several new contributions toward making bitmap indices suitable, effective, and efficient as a compressed data summary structure for the GPUs - this includes introducing a layout structure, a method for generating multi-attribute bitmaps, and novel techniques for bitmap-based processing of major operators that comprise complex data analytics. Second, this paper presents a performance modeling methodology, aiming to predict the placement (i.e., CPU or GPU) and the data representation choice (summarization or original) that yield the best performance on a given configuration. Our extensive evaluation of complex in-situ queries and real-world simulations shows that with our methods, analytics on GPU using bitmaps almost always outperforms other options, and the GAP performance model predicts the optimal placement and data representation for most scenarios.


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  • (2023)In-Situ Techniques on GPU-Accelerated Data-Intensive Applications2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science)10.1109/e-Science58273.2023.10254865(1-10)Online publication date: 9-Oct-2023



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  • (2023)In-Situ Techniques on GPU-Accelerated Data-Intensive Applications2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science)10.1109/e-Science58273.2023.10254865(1-10)Online publication date: 9-Oct-2023

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