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Optimizing Aggregate Computation of Graph Neural Networks with on-GPU Interpreter-Style Programming

Published: 27 January 2023 Publication History


Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) generalize deep learning to graph-structured data and show great success in many tasks. However, their irregular aggregation kernels make them inefficient on GPUs. The unpredictable control flow and memory references of irregular kernels prohibit most optimizations designed for regular ones. For example, even if the nodes have overlapped neighbors, reusing them via shared memory is non-trivial, as the neighborhoods used are runtime information. This paper presents regGNN, an aggregation implementation that can benefit from the optimizations designed for regular kernels. It proposes a concept named "semi-regular" to describe the aggregate computation: the irregularity only comes from the neighborhood traversal; aggregating the high-dimensional vectors, which dominates the computation, is data-independent and thus incurs no irregularity. regGNN encodes the aggregate computation steps of each thread block into an aggregate script, which replaces the graph as an input of the GPU kernel. The GPU kernel is like an interpreter, and the aggregate script can be regarded as written in a simple GPU scripting language. The optimizations designed for regular kernels can then be applied to the aggregate script, as it is static and regular. regGNN demonstrates three optimizations: (1) intelligently scheduling nodes and customizing shared memory replacement to maximize data reuse, (2) reassigning nodes among warps for load balancing, and (3) aligning the aggregate script to improve memory latency hiding. Compared with the state-of-the-art GNN frameworks, regGNN achieves 2.81× throughput on average for moderate-scale GNNs. The speedup increases to 5.21× for GNNs with small hidden sizes and 100s × for deep GNNs.


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PACT '22: Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
October 2022
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Published: 27 January 2023


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  1. graph neural networks
  2. irregular kernels
  3. on-GPU interpreter


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