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Video is All You Need: Attacking PPG-based Biometric Authentication

Published: 07 November 2022 Publication History


Unobservable physiological signals enhance biometric authentication systems. Photoplethysmography (PPG) signals are convenient owing to its ease of measurement and are usually well protected against remote adversaries in authentication. Any leaked PPG signals help adversaries compromise the biometric authentication systems, and the advent of remote PPG (rPPG) enables adversaries to acquire PPG signals through restoration. While potentially dangerous, rPPG-based attacks are overlooked because existing methods require the victim's PPG signals. This paper proposes a novel spoofing attack approach that uses the waveforms of rPPG signals extracted from video clips to fool the PPG-based biometric authentication. We develop a new PPG restoration model to accomplish adversarial attacks without leaked PPG signals. Empirical study results on state-of-art PPG-based biometric authentication show that the signals recovered through rPPG pose a severe threat to PPG-based biometric authentication.

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AISec'22: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security
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Published: 07 November 2022


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  1. biometric authentication
  2. photoplethysmography
  3. physiological signal
  4. spoofing attack


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