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Capricorn: Towards Real-Time Rich Scene Analysis Using RF-Vision Sensor Fusion

Published: 24 January 2023 Publication History


Video scene analysis is a well-investigated area where researchers have devoted efforts to detect and classify people and objects in the scene. However, real-life scenes are more complex: the intrinsic states of the objects (e.g., machine operating states or human vital signals) are often overlooked by vision-based scene analysis. Recent work has proposed a radio frequency (RF) sensing technique, wireless vibrometry, that employs wireless signals to sense subtle vibrations from the objects and infer their internal states. We envision that the combination of video scene analysis with wireless vibrometry form a more comprehensive understanding of the scene, namely "rich scene analysis". However, the RF sensors used in wireless vibrometry only provide time series, and it is challenging to associate these time series data with multiple real-world objects. We propose a real-time RF-vision sensor fusion system, Capricorn, that efficiently builds a cross-modal correspondence between visual pixels and RF time series to better understand the complex natures of a scene. The vision sensors in Capricorn model the surrounding environment in 3D and obtain the distances of different objects. In the RF domain, the distance is proportional to the signal time-of-flight (ToF), and we can leverage the ToF to separate the RF time series corresponding to each object. The RF-vision sensor fusion in Capricorn brings multiple benefits. The vision sensors provide environmental contexts to guide the processing of RF data, which helps us select the most appropriate algorithms and models. Meanwhile, the RF sensor yields additional information that is originally invisible to vision sensors, providing insight into objects' intrinsic states. Our extensive evaluations show that Capricorn real-timely monitors multiple appliances' operating status with an accuracy of 97%+ and recovers vital signals like respirations from multiple people. A video ( demonstrates the capability of Capricorn.


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SenSys '22: Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
November 2022
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  • (2023)Short: RF-Q: Unsupervised Signal Quality Assessment for Robust RF-based Respiration MonitoringProceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies10.1145/3580252.3586988(158-162)Online publication date: 21-Jun-2023

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