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M4esh: mmWave-Based 3D Human Mesh Construction for Multiple Subjects

Published: 24 January 2023 Publication History


The recent proliferation of various wireless sensing systems and applications demonstrates the advantages of radio frequency (RF) signals over traditional camera-based solutions that are faced with various challenges, such as occlusions and poor lighting conditions. Towards the ultimate goal of imaging human body using RF signals, researchers have been exploring the possibility of constructing the human mesh, a structure capturing not only the pose but also the shape of the human body, from RF signals. In this paper, we introduce M4esh, a novel system that utilizes commercial millimeter wave (mmWave) radar for multi-subject 3D human mesh construction. Our M4esh system can detect and track the subjects on a 2D energy map by predicting the subject bounding boxes on the map, and tackle the subjects' mutual occlusion through utilizing the location, velocity and size information of the subjects' bounding boxes from the previous frames as a clue to estimate the bounding box in the current frame. Through extensive experiments on a real-world COTS millimeter-wave testbed, we show that our proposed M4esh system can accurately localize the subjects and generate their human meshes, which demonstrate the superior effectiveness of the proposed M4esh system.


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  1. M4esh: mmWave-Based 3D Human Mesh Construction for Multiple Subjects



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      SenSys '22: Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
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      1. deep learning
      2. human mesh estimation
      3. millimeter wave
      4. multiple subjects
      5. point cloud
      6. wireless sensing


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