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COMPUTE '22: Proceedings of the 15th Annual ACM India Compute Conference
ACM2022 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
COMPUTE 2022: COMPUTE 2022 Jaipur India November 9 - 11, 2022
09 December 2022
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SESSION: Session - Keynote
Teaching Data Structures: My View

Data structure remains to be a core course in the study for a degree in Computer Science. Is this being taught the right way?

More often than not, a data structure is taught as an implementation than an interface. A list is always considered as a ...

Learning from IITM’s Data Science Program

IIT Madras’ undergraduate data science program (, started in Jan 2021, with online course delivery and in-person exams, has more than 15,000 enrolled students today. How can high quality education in data science be ...

It’s a Two-Way Street: From the Computing Classroom to Computing Education Research

There is much discussion in computing education about turning research into practice because research-informed teaching could (or should) be more effective. However, it is often noted that there is a disconnect between practice and research. A lot of ...

DEI activities at the ACM and How to make CS education more inclusive: Keynote Abstract

Research has demonstrated that diverse teams are more innovative and productive. At the ACM, as a computing professional community, it is our responsibility to make the resources and services cater to the needs of all members of the society. To ensure ...

AI Assisted Programming

We present a vision for a futuristic programming environment, where ML models and logical rules co-exist and evolve over time. We substantiate our vision using three case studies: (1) safe code generation using large language models, (2) heterogeneous ...

Pedagogic Practices for Teaching Distributed Systems Courses

Parallel and Distributed systems such as cluster computing, cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) have become pervasive technologies that are essential not just to computer science but also to design and deploy applications from ...

Perspectives on Teaching Computer Architecture in Developing Countries

Different areas of computer science have different challenges with respect to curriculum development, textbook writing, and teaching. Computer architecture represents one extrema in this hyper-dimensional space: it is an applied discipline, the theory ...

SESSION: Session - Research Papers
Automated Generation and Grading for Finite State Machine Assignments

With the rapidly growing student population for computer science, teachers need to be relieved from repetitive tasks like grading to focus their resources on teaching and guiding students. Plagiarism has always been a concern for instructors and has ...

If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Why Not Teach Through Them?

It is a pernicious problem in computing education to grapple with teaching complex concepts, or even simple concepts if only because often enough the mental leap of abstraction required to imagine and visualize the ideas when they are not so tangible ...

Software Engineering Course Restructured to Support Agile Software Development Projects

With the increasing adoption of agile methods in the industry, there is a need for restructuring the content and delivery of software engineering courses in universities and institutes. Such restructuring should also address the mismatch between the ...

A study of the design and documentation skills of industry-ready CS students*

An engineer in a product company is expected to design a good solution to a computing problem (Design skill) and articulate the solution well (Expression skill). We expect an industry-ready student (final year student or a fresh campus hire) as well to ...

Programming Pedagogy and Assessment in the Era of AI/ML: A Position Paper

A growing set of tasks that once depended critically on human cognition can now be effectively accomplished by automated systems, either independently or in partnership with humans. This trend is being accelerated by advances in Artificial Intelligence ...

BlockList: A Game to Teach Basic Linked Lists Operations To Novice Programmers

Linked list is a commonly used data structure due to its efficient memory utilization, faster access by using non-contiguous memory, and pointer manipulations. It is used to implement various data structures such as stacks, queues, and trees. However, ...

A Framework for Designing Computing Curricula

Designing any curriculum is hard. Perhaps that may explain the scarcity of efforts to develop frameworks, especially comprehensive frameworks. We present a novel framework to design computing curricula. Our framework enables explicit intent statement ...

Behind the Scenes of a Postgraduate Curriculum Design in an Autonomous Institute

Post graduate (PG) programs in computer science provide domain specialization to the students. These PG programs also serve as prerequisites for doctoral programs at various universities. This article discusses various factors that impact the designing ...

Seeding industry knowledge in computer science education

Industry knowledge forms the subject matter of the software being built in the IT industry. Academia faces challenges in seeding industry knowledge in its curriculum resulting in industry-academia gap. Knowledge Driven Development (KDD) is a knowledge ...

Rapidly Deployable and Frugal Blended Learning Platform for Re-skilling and Up-skilling Needs

The Indian National Policy on Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015 aims to bridge the human resource gaps in the country. Under this umbrella, Futureskills Prime (FSPrime) is a national level ecosystem funded by Ministry of Electronics and ...

  • International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
  • Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
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Acceptance Rates

Overall Acceptance Rate 114 of 622 submissions, 18%
Compute '17701927%
COMPUTE '161172219%
COMPUTE '141102119%
Compute '13962425%
COMPUTE '121161816%
COMPUTE '09113109%