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Application of Robotic Process Automation Combined with Chinese Grammatical Error Detection

Published: 30 January 2023 Publication History


Automation applications have become one of the emerging trends in machine intelligence. In traditional automation applications, almost all operations are based on programming, scripts or Application Programming Interfaces. However, the continuous development of business and change of processes amplify some disadvantages of traditional automation technology. Robotic Process Automation (RPA), a software robot adopted as a new automation technology to improve the efficiency and productivity of enterprises, can imitate human behavior. RPA tools are used to design and deploy these software robots, which use predefined activities and business rules to perform the combination of tasks, transactions and processes across software systems. Integrating grammatical error detection, RPA has better performance in specific business than ordinary RPA. This is because RPA is able to identify grammar errors that are not easy to detect so as to greatly improve the efficiency.


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Index Terms

  1. Application of Robotic Process Automation Combined with Chinese Grammatical Error Detection



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      ICACS '22: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Systems
      September 2022
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      Published: 30 January 2023


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      1. Bert
      2. Chinese Grammatical Error Detection
      3. Natural Language Processing
      4. Robot Process Automation


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