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View all- Petrean DPotolea R(2024)Random forest evaluation using multi-key homomorphic encryption and lookup tablesInternational Journal of Information Security10.1007/s10207-024-00823-123:3(2023-2041)Online publication date: 14-Mar-2024
A solution for trusted detection of unknown ransomware in VMs is proposed.Valuable data is extracted from the VM's memory dump using the Volatility framework.General descriptive features are proposed and successfully leveraged by ML algorithms.The ...
Ransomware is the subset of malware that is considered the most jeopardising malware. In a malware/ransomware attack, attacker encrypts all the essential data files and demands the ransom to get all the important files that it has encrypted. There are ...
Nowadays, Malware has become a serious threat to the digitization of the world due to the emergence of various new and complex malware every day. Due to this, the traditional signature-based methods for detection of malware effectively becomes an ...
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