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Curb Your Procrastination: A Study of Academic Procrastination Behaviors vs. A Planning and Time Management App

Published: 19 June 2023 Publication History


Procrastination is a major issue faced by students which can lead to negative impacts on their academic performance and mental health. Productivity tools aim to help individuals to alleviate this behavior by providing self-regulatory support. However, the processes of how these applications help students conquer academic procrastination are under-explored. Particularly, it is essential to understand what aspects of these applications help which kinds of students in accomplishing their academic tasks. In this paper, we address this gap by presenting an academic planning and time management app (Proccoli) and a study designed to understand the association between student procrastination modeling, in-app behaviors, and perceived performance with app evaluation. As the core of our study, we analyze student perceptions of Proccoli and its impact on their study tasks and time management skills. Then, we model student procrastination behaviors by Hawkes process mining, assess student in-app behaviors by specifying planning and performance-related measures and evaluate the relationship between student behaviors and the evaluation survey results. Our study shows a need for personalized self-regulation support in Proccoli, as students with different in-app studying behaviors are found to have different perceptions of the app functionalities and the association between the prompts for social accountability students received by using Proccoli and their procrastination behavior is significant.


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    UMAP '23: Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
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    Published: 19 June 2023


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    1. Academic self-regulation
    2. Procrastination
    3. Student study behavior.
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