Cited By
View all- Lorini EOchs MSabouret N(2024)Cognitive Planning for Persuasive Multimodal InteractionEngineering Multi-Agent Systems10.1007/978-3-031-71152-7_6(93-104)Online publication date: 16-Sep-2024
In this paper, we explore user reactions to prototypes that integrate population fitness data with personal practice to bolster motivation and help decrease pragmatic barriers to incorporating exercise in daily life. We conducted a study in a major ...
Promoting physical activity is crucial for well-being and mental health, especially for older individuals with reduced risks of physical and psychological diseases like cognitive decline. In Italy, 17.5% of people aged 65-74 engage in sports, with a ...
We are developing a virtual agent based on the Motivational Interviewing method to help elderly and inactive individuals change their behavior. The agent engages users in a conversation that aims to highlight reasons why they might want to increase ...
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