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Designing a Vision Transformer based Enhanced Text Extractor for Product Images

Published: 04 January 2023 Publication History


Product images, such as those which appear in e-commerce sites, exhibit unique characteristics that are typically not present in natural images. The primary distinguishing characteristic is the presence of text (e.g., brand names, price, constituents) along with high local entropy (i.e., too much visual information in the form of both text and brightly coloured pictures condensed in a small region). Extracting the text from these images may have multiple benefits: catalogue enrichment, product matching, offensive content identification, and more. However, the images are sometimes unclear and blurry where it is difficult to recognise the text even with human perception, and these texts are often written in non-standard fonts (at times each character in a word has a different colour and/or style), or are oriented at odd angles or appear on curved surfaces; moreover, many of these words such as, the brand names, do not appear in dictionaries. In this work, we present a vision transformer based text extractor that can handle the aforementioned challenges for product images effectively, and outperforms our earlier model considerably. We further compare our new end-to-end text extraction solution with those of Google and Azure text extraction cloud offerings, and showcase its efficacy both in terms of accuracy and latency.


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  1. Designing a Vision Transformer based Enhanced Text Extractor for Product Images



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    CODS-COMAD '23: Proceedings of the 6th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data (10th ACM IKDD CODS and 28th COMAD)
    January 2023
    357 pages
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    Published: 04 January 2023


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    1. computer vision
    2. supervised learning
    3. text extraction
    4. vision transformer


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