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Data Breaches: An Empirical Study of the Effect of Monitoring Services

Published: 16 November 2022 Publication History


Recent events have shown that online booking is vulnerable to hacking incidents such as data breaches. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the risky decision-making factors on consumer post breach behavior. After a data breach, most of the companies offer monitoring services to restore customer trust and encourage them for future purchases. However, little research has been done to understand the impact of these monitoring services on consumer behavior. In this study, we examine whether monitoring services can mitigate the impact of risk perception on online booking. We utilized the Marriott data breach of November 2018 as the context. We manipulate data breach severity in our vignettes. The research model was tested using data gathered from 298 Mechanical Turk respondents. Our vignette-based survey design allowed us to incorporate situational details thought to be important in risky decision-making in a data breach context. We found strong support for our research model including the positive moderating effect of company suggested monitoring on online booking intention. The findings of this study could help firms in developing more influential post-breach monitoring services.


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    cover image ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems
    ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems  Volume 53, Issue 4
    November 2022
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 16 November 2022
    Published in SIGMIS Volume 53, Issue 4

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    1. breach severity
    2. data breach
    3. monitoring services
    4. online booking, risk perception


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