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Designing for Personas That Don’t Have a Voice: Reflections on Designing a Mobile Application for Collecting Biodiversity Data

Published: 06 April 2023 Publication History


This case study paper situates insights from designing a mobile application within academic literature advocating for the consideration of non-human stakeholders in the design process. The application, FrogID, was developed as part of a citizen science project to support frog conservation in Australia. FrogID crowdsources the collection of frog calls to build up a national database, which in turn can inform conservation strategies. The paper discusses the use of personas and other design tools to ensure the design solution considers the perspectives of frogs as a non-human stakeholder group and to facilitate interdisciplinary team collaboration. As a broader contribution to the field of interaction design, the paper discusses the responsibility of designers to advocate on behalf of stakeholders that don’t have a voice.


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Index Terms

  1. Designing for Personas That Don’t Have a Voice: Reflections on Designing a Mobile Application for Collecting Biodiversity Data



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    OzCHI '22: Proceedings of the 34th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
    November 2022
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    Published: 06 April 2023


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    1. Personas
    2. life-centred design
    3. more-than-human participation
    4. non-human stakeholders


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    OzCHI '22
    OzCHI '22: 34th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
    November 29 - December 2, 2022
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