Cited By
View all- Sidorov GBalouchzahi FButt SGelbukh A(2023)Regret and Hope on Transformers: An Analysis of Transformers on Regret and Hope Speech Detection DatasetsApplied Sciences10.3390/app1306398313:6(3983)Online publication date: 21-Mar-2023
Emotion detection is playing a very important role in our life. People express their emotions in different ways i.e face expression, gestures, speech, and text. This research focuses on detecting emotions from the Roman Urdu text. Previously, A lot of ...
With the growth of spread and importance of social media platforms, the effect of their misuse became more and more impactful. This shared task address the task of abusive and threatening language detection in Urdu language that has more than 230 ...
This study reports the second shared task named as UrduFake@Fire2021 on identifying fake news detection in Urdu language. This is a binary classification problem in which the task is to classify a given news article into two classes: (i) real news, or (...
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