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Automated Assessment: Experiences From the Trenches
- Andrew Luxton-Reilly,
- Ewan Tempero,
- Nalin Arachchilage,
- Angela Chang,
- Paul Denny,
- Allan Fowler,
- Nasser Giacaman,
- Igor Kontorovich,
- Danielle Lottridge,
- Sathiamoorthy Manoharan,
- Shyamli Sindhwani,
- Paramvir Singh,
- Ulrich Speidel,
- Sudeep Stephen,
- Valerio Terragni,
- Jacqueline Whalley,
- Burkhard Wuensche,
- Xinfeng Ye
Automated assessment is commonly used across the spectrum of computing courses offered by Tertiary institutions. Such assessment is frequently intended to address the scalability of feedback that is essential for learning, and assessment for ...
Using Model-Checking and Peer-Grading to Provide Automated Feedback to Concurrency Exercises in Progvis
Previous research has shown that even though many students are aware of overarching problems with concurrency, they are less successful in addressing any issues they have found. This implies that the students have not yet developed a mental model that ...
Future Scenarios for High School Digital Technology in New Zealand
Digital Technologies (DT) achievement standards including computer science and programming were introduced as elective subjects in New Zealand’s high schools more than 10 years ago. However, many challenges still exist with regards to student ...
DoodleIt: A Novel Tool and Approach for Teaching How CNNs Perform Image Recognition
To introduce middle school students to key concepts in image recognition, we created an interactive web application that performs sketch recognition and an afterschool curriculum for its use. Our app, called DoodleIt, was inspired by Google’s Quick, ...
The Progression of Students’ Ability to Work With Scope, Parameter Passing and Aliasing
Students need the ability to reason about the behavior of programs when working with advanced concepts like concurrency and abstraction. To achieve this, students require core programming skills that allow them to trace and predict the outcome of a ...
Automated Questionnaires About Students’ JavaScript Programs: Towards Gauging Novice Programming Processes
Students sometimes manage to produce functionally correct program code while having a fragile understanding of the related learning goals. Such unproductive success could be intercepted by an educator who asks questions that target the structure and ...
Metacodenition: Scaffolding the Problem-Solving Process for Novice Programmers
Problem-solving is a central activity to computing, and thus a key skill that novices develop when learning programming. While most programming-related concepts are taught explicitly in introductory courses, it is common for problem-solving to be taught ...
Understanding the Gender Gap in Digital Technologies Education
Differences between students have always been apparent in education. There have been long-standing concerns with diversity in subjects, particularly the gender divide between students. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (commonly known as ...
Effective Learning Experiences for ICT Curriculum Indigenisation
In 2017, all Australian universities committed to ensuring all students engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural content. Information and communication technology (ICT) curricula across Australia have been slow to engage in the ...
Student Sense of Belonging: The Role of Gender Identity and Minoritisation in Computing and Other Sciences
Sense of belonging, or belongingness, is an important factor in a student’s academic life as it is associated with factors such as motivation and persistence, in addition to mental health and well-being. Belongingness has been shown to be correlated ...
My AI Wants to Know if This Will Be on the Exam: Testing OpenAI’s Codex on CS2 Programming Exercises
- James Finnie-Ansley,
- Paul Denny,
- Andrew Luxton-Reilly,
- Eddie Antonio Santos,
- James Prather,
- Brett A. Becker
The introduction of OpenAI Codex sparked a surge of interest in the impact of generative AI models on computing education practices. Codex is also the underlying model for GitHub Copilot, a plugin which makes AI-generated code accessible to students ...
An Experiment on the Effects of Modularity on Code Modification and Understanding
Good modularity is seen as an important goal in software design. Achieving this goal is claimed to improve, among other things, the understandability and modifiability of a design. Yet, when teaching software design, we see that students limit the amount ...
Exploring the Difficulty of Faded Parsons Problems for Programming Education
Opportunities for students at all age levels to learn programming are growing and this has led to increased enrolments both online and in the classroom. As the range of prior experiences within a cohort becomes more diverse, it poses a challenge for ...
Experiences from Learnersourcing SQL Exercises: Do They Cover Course Topics and Do Students Use Them?
Learnersourcing is an emerging phenomenon in computing education research and practice. In learnersourcing, a crowd of students participates in the creation of course resources such as exercises, written materials, educational videos, and so on. In ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 25th Australasian Computing Education Conference