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It is our great pleasure to welcome participants to the 2nd ACM Global Conference on Computing Education (ACM CompEd 2023) being held in Hyderabad, India, 7th-9th December, 2023 with the Working Groups meetings being held on 5th and 6th December 2023.
ACM CompEd is a recent addition to the list of ACM sponsored conferences devoted to research in all aspects of computing education, including education at the school and college levels. The Hyderabad edition is only the second in this promising series. The long hiatus due to Covid-19 pushed this conference by two years, but we are glad that it is finally here!
This edition of ACM CompEd partly overlaps with COMPUTE 2023, ACM India's flagship conference on Computing Education. Having the two conferences adjacent to each other is a great way to build synergy between the Indian computing education community and the global community of computing education researchers.
Proceeding Downloads
Model CSE Curriculum Design for India and Teacher Training Effort
For curriculum recommendations for a large set of institutions (in a country or across many countries) two approaches are often employed. One is to provide recommendations and guidelines for the curriculum which different institutions can use to design ...
Empowering the Next Generation of Computational Thinkers
Over the past ten years, global efforts have promoted computational thinking in K-12 computer science education. With the increasing prevalence of machine learning and artificial intelligence, there is a pressing need to broaden the scope of ...
Searching for Computing's Soul: Professional Practice and the Future of Computing Education
Computing has repeatedly proven its ability to change the world. Each new advancement of technology provides more power, speed, and efficiency, unleashing changes that would seem almost magical only a few years before. But even as each new thing becomes ...

A Bug's New Life: Creating Refute Questions from Filtered CS1 Student Code Snapshots
In an introductory programming (CS1) context, a Refute question asks students for a counter-example which proves that a given code fragment is an incorrect solution for a given task. Such a question can be used as an assessment item to (formatively) ...
The Use of English Language to Teach CS1 to Non-Native English Speakers: Students Perspective
The possible negative impact of using the English language in teaching different subjects to non-native English speakers has been the topic of many previous studies. However, not many researchers focused on the students' perspectives, especially CS1 ...
Enhancing Computing Curricular Outcomes and Student Accomplishments Through Collegiate Competitions
Games and competitions enhance student engagement and help improve hands-on learning of computing concepts. Focusing on targeted goals, competitions provide a sense of community and accomplishment among students, fostering peer-learning opportunities. ...
The Impacts of a Constructionist Scratch Programming Pedagogy on Student Achievement with a Focus on Gender
- Oladele O. Campbell,
- Oluwatoyin Adelakun-Adeyemo,
- Fatimah Yetunde Akinrinola,
- Patience Chewachong Akih,
- Ethel Tshukudu,
- Brett A. Becker
Learning to program is a challenge for many novice computing students. This may be partially due to the inadequacy of many conventional pedagogical approaches resulting in dropouts and failure, especially among females and minoritized students. ...
Whiteboarding: A Tool to Improve CS1 Student Self-Efficacy
Many students struggle in Introductory Computer Science (CS1) and fail or drop out of the class. A lack of CS self-efficacy -- the belief that the individual can complete a task -- is frequently the cause of this failure to succeed in CS1. Solutions have ...
Ant and Bear Dance for Dokweebah: Using a Skokomish Story to Engage Middle School Students in Event-Driven Programming
Learning computer science (CS) is important for careers of tomorrow. Informal CS opportunities, however, are often limited by a student's socioeconomic disposition, location, ethnicity, gender, and ability. In Montana, these limitations are exemplified ...
Integrating Computer Science into Middle School Curricula Through Storytelling: A Lesson Plan on Beaded Bags of the Columbia Plateau
- Barbara do Amaral,
- Brittany Terese Fasy,
- Olivia Firth,
- Stacey A. Hancock,
- Patrick Jeffers,
- Barbara Z. Komlos,
- Bradley McCoy,
- Sweeney Windchief
We aim to bring computer science (CS) to rural and American Indian students by blending American Indian storytelling practices with the educational computer programming environment called Alice. The lessons we develop cover CS concepts within the ...
Experiences with TA-Bot in CS1
Automated Assessment Tools (AATs) have been used in undergraduate CS education for decades. TA-Bot, a modular AAT, has existed in some form for 25 years serving thousands of students across multiple universities. Class sizes throughout the last decade ...
Investigating Themes of Student-Generated Analogies
Student-generated analogies hold potential in facilitating understanding of abstract computing concepts, as they exercise valuable computing skills, such as abstraction, re-representation, and relational reasoning. Helping students develop their own ...

Guiding the Development of Undergraduate Educational Robotics
Educational robotics, in which students program a physical robot to interact with the real world, can provide tangible active learning opportunities that are often linked to increases in student computational thinking, creativity, and motivation. To date,...
Validating a Language-Independent CS1 Learning Outcomes Assessment
Assessing learning outcomes in computer science education is essential as it is an indicator of student progress, the effectiveness of teaching methods, and areas for improvement. Aptitude tests have been widely used to measure these learning outcomes; ...
"Social media is...sort of our East India Trading Company:" High School Computing Teachers Engaging at the Intersection of Colonialism and Computing
There have been calls recently to integrate social justice issues with computing and to teach computing as a non-neutral discipline. Among many critical perspectives considered, colonialism and its manifestation in computing is emerging lately. While we ...
Building Technological Improvisation Skills through Student-devised Coursework Topics
The ability of improvise solutions to problems using a variety of technologies is an important, if often tacit, desired outcome from advanced computer science education. This paper will describe experience from three modules at two universities where ...
Programmers' Views on IDE Compilation Mechanisms
In this work we investigate the views of novice programmers on three important IDE mechanisms: compilation, error indication, and error message presentation. We utilize two versions of the BlueJ pedagogical programming environment which encapsulate ...
Lens: Experiencing Multi-level Page Tables at Close Quarters
Practical understanding of the working of different sub-systems of the operating system (OS) is crucial to develop a comprehensive understanding of computing systems. Virtual memory mechanisms such as virtual to physical memory translation using multi-...
Student Reflections on Service-Learning in Software Engineering and Their Experiences with Non-technical Clients
Participation in service-learning projects that impact society or serve the greater social good has been shown to have a broad range of positive impacts on students, including increased motivation and persistence, improved social outcomes, self-efficacy, ...
Debugging Beyond the Code: Teachers' Perceptions of Debugging as a CT Practice Impacting Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning
Computational thinking (CT) is viewed as a support structure for educators to develop computational literacies [18][35]. The majority of research around CT practices has focused on decomposition, abstraction, and algorithmic thinking; however, there is ...
Generating Programs Trivially: Student Use of Large Language Models
Educators have been concerned about the capability of large language models to automatically generate programs in response to textual prompts. However, little is known about whether and how students actually use these tools.
In the context of an upper-...
A Living Framework for Abolitionist Teaching in Computer Science
Institutions of learning are deeply entangled with, and often reproduce, dominant hierarchies. Shielded by normative conceptions of scientific legitimacy, objectivity, and benevolence, computer science (CS) education-produced technologies have been shown ...
Teaching Programmers to Think of Program Dynamics
Many students in their first year in the University have some idea of programming based on courses in high school and grade school. Such knowledge, however, is highly unsystematic. Their behavior in practice is to choose variables, loops and other ...
Always Provide Context: The Effects of Code Context on Programming Error Message Enhancement
Programming error messages (PEMs) are notoriously difficult for novice programmers to utilise. Many efforts have been made to enhance PEMs such that they are reworded to explain problems in terms that novices can understand. However, the effectiveness of ...
Comparing the Impacts of Visually Grouped and Jumbled Distractors on Parsons Problems in CS1 Assessments
Parsons problems are a commonly used problem type typically used in introductory computer science courses. They involve organizing blocks containing segments of code to form a program. These questions often use ''distractors'' which are plausible, but ...
FlowARP - Using Augmented Reality for Visualizing Control Flows in Programs
There is a rise in the use of visual cues such as augmented reality and virtual reality to teach programming concepts and algorithms to novice programmers. These visualizations increase motivation among novice programmers, and also contribute to better ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Global Computing Education Vol 1
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
CompEd '19 | 100 | 33 | 33% |
Overall | 100 | 33 | 33% |