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PackGenome: Automatically Generating Robust YARA Rules for Accurate Malware Packer Detection

Published: 21 November 2023 Publication History


Binary packing, a widely-used program obfuscation style, compresses or encrypts the original program and then recovers it at runtime. Packed malware samples are pervasive---they conceal arresting code features as unintelligible data to evade detection. To rapidly respond to large-scale packed malware, security analysts search specific binary patterns to identify corresponding packers. The quality of such packer patterns or signatures is vital to malware dissection. However, existing packer signature rules severely rely on human analysts' experience. In addition to expensive manual efforts, these human-written rules (e.g., YARA) also suffer from high false positives: as they are designed to search the pattern of bytes rather than instructions, they are very likely to mismatch with unexpected instructions.
In this paper, we look into the weakness of existing packer detection signatures and propose a novel automatic YARA rule generation technique, called PackGenome. Inspired by the biological concept of species-specific genes, we observe that packer-specific genes can help determine whether a program is packed. Our framework generates new YARA rules from packer-specific genes, which are extracted from the unpacking routines reused in the same-packer protected programs. To reduce false positives, we propose a byte selection strategy to systematically evaluate the mismatch possibility of bytes. We compare PackGenome with public-available packer signature collections and a state-of-the-art automatic rule generation tool. Our large-scale experiments with more than 640K samples demonstrate that PackGenome can deliver robust YARA rules to detect Windows and Linux packers, including emerging low-entropy packers. PackGenome outperforms existing work in all cases with zero false negatives, low false positives, and a negligible scanning overhead increase.


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    Published: 21 November 2023


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    1. binary packing
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    4. unpacking routines
    5. yara rules


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