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Devil in Disguise: Breaching Graph Neural Networks Privacy through Infiltration

Published: 21 November 2023 Publication History


Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been developed to mine useful information from graph data of various applications, e.g., healthcare, fraud detection, and social recommendation. However, GNNs open up new attack surfaces for privacy attacks on graph data. In this paper, we propose Infiltrator, a privacy attack that is able to pry node-level private information based on black-box access to GNNs. Different from existing works that require prior information of the victim node, we explore the possibility of conducting the attack without any information of the victim node. Our idea is to infiltrate the graph with attacker-created nodes to befriend the victim node. More specifically, we design infiltration schemes that enable the adversary to infer the label, neighboring links, and sensitive attributes of a victim node. We evaluate Infiltrator with extensive experiments on three representative GNN models and six real-world datasets. The results demonstrate that Infiltrator can achieve an attack performance of more than 98% in all three attacks, outperforming baseline approaches. We further evaluate the defense resistance of Infiltrator against the graph homophily defender and the differentially private model.


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  1. Devil in Disguise: Breaching Graph Neural Networks Privacy through Infiltration



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