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WiFiTuned: Monitoring Engagement in Online Participation by Harmonizing WiFi and Audio

Published: 09 October 2023 Publication History


This paper proposes a multi-modal, non-intrusive and privacy preserving system WiFiTuned for monitoring engagement in online participation i.e., meeting/classes/seminars. It uses two sensing modalities i.e., WiFi CSI and audio for the same. WiFiTuned detects the head movements of participants during online participation through WiFi CSI and detects the speaker’s intent through audio. Then it correlates the two to detect engagement. We evaluate WiFiTuned with 22 participants and observe that it can detect the engagement level with an average accuracy of more than .

Supplemental Material

MP4 File
This work proposes a multi-modal, non-intrusive and privacy preserving system WiFiTuned for monitoring engagement in online participation i.e., meetings/classes/seminars. It uses two sensing modalities i.e., WiFi CSI and audio, for the same. WiFiTuned detects participants' head movements during online participation through WiFi CSI and detects the speaker?s intent through audio. Then, it correlates the two to detect engagement. We evaluated WiFiTuned with 22 participants and observed that it can detect the engagement level with an average accuracy of more than 86%.
MP4 File
This wrok proposes a multi-modal, non-intrusive and privacy preserving system WiFiTuned for monitoring engagement in online participation i.e., meetings/classes/seminars. It uses two sensing modalities i.e., WiFi CSI and audio for the same. WiFiTuned detects the head movements of participants during online participation through WiFi CSI and detects the speaker?s intent through audio. Then it correlates the two to detect engagement.We evaluate WiFiTuned with 22 participants and observe that it can detect the engagement level with an average accuracy of more than 86%.
MP4 File
This paper proposes a multi-modal, non-intrusive and privacy preserving system WiFiTuned for monitoring engagement in online participation i.e., meetings/classes/seminars. It uses two sensing modalities i.e., WiFi CSI and audio for the same. WiFiTuned detects the head movements of participants during online participation through WiFi CSI and detects the speaker?s intent through audio. Then it correlates the two to detect engagement.We evaluate WiFiTuned with 22 participants and observe that it can detect the engagement level with an average accuracy of more than 86%.


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ICMI '23: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
October 2023
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 09 October 2023


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  1. WiFi sensing
  2. engagement detection
  3. multimodal fusion


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