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A Tenant-based Two-stage Approach to Auditing the Integrity of Virtual Network Function Chains Hosted on Third-Party Clouds

Published: 24 April 2023 Publication History


There is a growing trend of hosting chains of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) on third-party clouds for more cost-effective deployment. However, the multi-actor nature of such a deployment may allow a mismatch to silently arise between tenant-level specifications of VNF chains and their cloud provider-level deployment. Most existing auditing approaches would face difficulties in identifying such an integrity breach. First, relying on the cloud provider may not be sufficient, since modifications made by a stealthy attacker may seem legitimate to the provider. Second, the tenant cannot directly perform the auditing due to limited access to the provider-level data. In addition, shipping such data to the tenant would incur prohibitive overhead and confidentiality concerns. In this paper, we design a tenant-based, two-stage solution where the first stage leverages tenant-level side-channel information to identify suspected integrity breaches, and then the second stage automatically identifies and anonymizes selected provider-level data for the tenant to verify the suspected breaches from the first stage. The key advantages of our solution are: (i) the first stage gives tenants more control and transparency (with the capability of identifying integrity breaches without the provider's assistance), and (ii) the second stage provides tenants higher accuracy (with the capability of rigorous verification based on provider-level data). Our solution is integrated into OpenStack/Tacker (a popular choice for NFV deployment), and its effectiveness is demonstrated via experiments (e.g., up to 90% accuracy with the first stage alone).


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CODASPY '23: Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy
April 2023
304 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 24 April 2023


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  1. blackbox auditing
  2. cloud computing security
  3. nfv security


  • Research-article

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  • Industrial Research Chair in SDN/NFV Security and the Canada Foundation for Innovation



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