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A configurable approach to cyber-physical systems fuzzing
Operational Technology has gotten a growing place in our daily lives. With the increasing number of devices (connected or not), the need for a clean environment that allows effective and efficient testing is also increasing. Furthermore, some devices ...
Continuous Product Updates under Consideration of HW-and SW-Releases: The Potential of Product Structuring Concepts
The automotive industry is undergoing a transformation driven by rapid developments in technologies, business models and mobility concepts. As a result, customers are increasingly demanding additional, improved, or customized functionalities, services, ...
Variability-aware Behavioural Learning
Addressing variability proactively during software engineering activities means shifting from reasoning on individual systems to reasoning on families of systems. Adopting appropriate variability management techniques can yield important economies of ...
FLAMA: A collaborative effort to build a new framework for the automated analysis of feature models
Nowadays, feature models are the de facto standard when representing commonalities and variability, with modern examples spanning up to 7000 features. Manual analysis of such models is challenging and error-prone due to sheer size. To help in this task, ...
GIS-Publisher: From a Geographic Data Set to a Deployed Product with One Command
In our research laboratory, we have been working on developing a software product line (SPL) specifically tailored for generating web-based geographic information systems (GIS). In addition, we have also designed a domain specific language (DSL) to make ...
InTra: Automatic Reduction of Model Complexity and Generation of System Variants - A Tool Demonstration
Efficient construction and management of variability is becoming increasingly crucial and poses a growing obstacle for model-based system engineering (MBSE). In this paper, we propose a transformative method that addresses these challenges by automating ...
PYDOP: A Generic Python Library for Delta-Oriented Programming
Delta-Oriented Programming (DOP) is a modular and flexible approach to implement Software Product Lines (SPLs). In DOP, an SPL is structured in four parts: the feature model describes the configuration space of the SPL; the base artifact is an initial ...
The e4CompareFramework: Annotation-based Software Product-Line Extraction
Software product-line engineering (SPLE) provides structured reuse strategies reducing the time-to-market and decreasing development and maintenance effort when developing variant-rich software systems. In practice, however, unstructured reuse ...
UVLParser: Extending UVL with Language Levels and Conversion Strategies
- Chico Sundermann,
- Stefan Vill,
- Thomas Thüm,
- Kevin Feichtinger,
- Prankur Agarwal,
- Rick Rabiser,
- José A. Galindo,
- David Benavides
The Universal Variability Language (UVL) is a community effort towards a widely adopted textual specification for feature models. For widespread usage, the language should be simple to understand and easy to embed in existing tools. Also, many different ...
UVLS: A Language Server Protocol For UVL
The Universal Variability Language (UVL) is a community-driven textual format for feature models. Over the last few years, UVL has been integrated into several relevant product-line tools. One of UVLs major advantages is its manual readability and ...
DSDGen: Extracting Documentation to Comprehend Fork Merges
Developers use the forking mechanisms of modern social-coding platforms to evolve and maintain their systems. Using such mechanisms often leads to a larger number of independent variants with individual features or bug fixes that the developers may want ...
Generative AI for Reengineering Variants into Software Product Lines: An Experience Report
The migration and reengineering of existing variants into a software product line (SPL) is an error-prone and time-consuming activity. Many extractive approaches have been proposed, spanning different activities from feature identification and naming to ...
On the Reuse of Existing Configurations for Testing Evolving Feature Models
Software Product Lines (SPLs) are used for representing a variety of highly configurable systems or families of systems. They are commonly represented by feature models (FMs). Starting from FMs, configurations, used as test cases, can be generated to ...
Software Product Lines for Development of Evolutionary Robots
Evolutionary Robotics utilizes evolutionary algorithms for training robot controllers (e.g., neural networks) and adapting robot morphologies for different environments in design and runtime. One of the main challenges in robotics is the lack of ...
Towards Analyzing Variability in Space and Time of Products from a Product Line using Triadic Concept Analysis
In this paper, we report an ongoing work on exploring the ability of Triadic Concept Analysis to provide a framework for analyzing products evolution in time and space, and highlight possible usages in the lifecycle of a product line.