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EXTRACT and REFINE: Finding a Support Subgraph Set for Graph Representation

Published: 04 August 2023 Publication History


Subgraph learning has received considerable attention in its capacity of interpreting important structural information for predictions. Existing subgraph learning usually exploits statistics on predefined structures e.g., node degrees, occurrence frequency, to extract subgraphs, or refine the contents via only capturing label-relevant information with node-level sampling. Given diverse subgraph patterns, and mutual independence with local correlations on graphs, current solutions on subgraph learning still have two limitations in extraction and refinement stages. 1) The universality of extracting substructure patterns across domains is still lacking, 2) node-level sampling in refinement will distort the original local topology and none explicit guidance eliminating redundant information contribute to inefficiency issue. In this paper, we propose a unified subgraph learning scheme, Poly-Pivot Graph Neural Network (P2GNN) where we designate the centric node of each subgraph as the pivot. In the extraction stage, we present a general subgraph extraction principle, i.e., Local; Asymmetry between the centric and affiliated nodes. To this end, we asymmetrically model the similarity between each pair of nodes with random walk and quantify mutual affiliations in Affinity Propagation architecture, to extract subgraph structures. In the refinement, we devise a subgraph-level exclusion regularization to squash the target-independent information by considering mutual relations across subgraphs, cooperatively preserving a support set of subgraphs and facilitating the refinement process for graph representation. Empirical experiments on diverse web and biological graphs reveal 1.1%~7.3% improvements against best baselines, and visualized case studies prove the universality and interpretability of our P2GNN.

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KDD '23: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
August 2023
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 04 August 2023


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  1. graph neural network
  2. local asymmetry
  3. subgraph extraction
  4. subgraph refinement


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