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Leveraging Relational Graph Neural Network for Transductive Model Ensemble

Published: 04 August 2023 Publication History


Traditional methods of pre-training, fine-tuning, and ensembling often overlook essential relational data and task interconnections. To address this gap, our study presents a novel approach to harnessing this relational information via a relational graph-based model. We introduce Relational grAph Model ensemBLE model, abbreviated as RAMBLE. This model distinguishes itself by performing class label inference simultaneously across all data nodes and task nodes, employing the relational graph in a transductive manner. This fine-grained approach allows us to better comprehend and model the intricate interplay between data and tasks. Furthermore, we incorporate a novel variational information bottleneck-guided scheme for embedding fusion and aggregation. This innovative technique facilitates the creation of an informative fusion embedding, honing in on embeddings beneficial for the intended task while simultaneously filtering out potential noise-laden embeddings. Our theoretical analysis, grounded in information theory, confirms that the use of relational information for embedding fusion allows us to achieve higher upper and lower bounds on our target task's accuracy. We thoroughly assess our proposed model across eight diverse datasets, and the experimental results demonstrate the model's effective utilization of relational knowledge derived from all pre-trained models, thereby enhancing its performance on our target tasks.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (rtfp0341-2min-promo.mp4)
Our paper introduces RAMBLE, a novel relational graph-based model that effectively extracts task-specific knowledge from multiple pre-trained models by performing class label inference across all data and task nodes simultaneously. By modeling relationships between data and tasks, RAMBLE optimizes the utilization of knowledge, enhancing target task performance. We employ a Variational Information Bottleneck technique to develop an effective aggregation scheme, mitigating the impact of irrelevant or redundant information. Theoretical proof confirms that integrating relational information in representation fusion improves accuracy bounds for the target task. Extensive experiments using eight different datasets demonstrate RAMBLE's superior performance compared to single-model transfer methods and ensemble methods of multi-pre-trained models.
MP4 File (meeting_02.mp4)
Our paper introduces RAMBLE, a novel relational graph-based model that effectively extracts task-specific knowledge from multiple pre-trained models by performing class label inference across all data and task nodes simultaneously. By modeling relationships between data and tasks, RAMBLE optimizes the utilization of knowledge, enhancing target task performance. We employ a Variational Information Bottleneck technique to develop an effective aggregation scheme, mitigating the impact of irrelevant or redundant information. Theoretical proof confirms that integrating relational information in representation fusion improves accuracy bounds for the target task. Extensive experiments using eight different datasets demonstrate RAMBLE's superior performance compared to single-model transfer methods and ensemble methods of multi-pre-trained models.


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