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Towards Graph-level Anomaly Detection via Deep Evolutionary Mapping

Published: 04 August 2023 Publication History


Graph-level anomaly detection aims at capturing anomalous individual graphs in a graph set. Due to its significance in various real-world application fields, e.g., identifying rare molecules in chemistry and detecting potential frauds in online social networks, graph-level anomaly detection has received great attention recently. In distinction from node- and edge-level anomaly detection that is devoted to identifying anomalies on a single graph, graph-level anomaly detection faces more significant challenges because both the intra- and inter- graph structural and attribute patterns need to be taken into account to distinguish anomalies that exhibit deviating structures, rare attributes or the both. Although deep graph representation learning shows effectiveness in fusing high-level representations and capturing characters of individual graphs, most of the existing works are defective in graph-level anomaly detection because of their limited capability in exploring information across graphs, the imbalanced data distribution of anomalies, and low interpretability of the black-box graph neural networks (GNNs). To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel deep evolutionary graph mapping framework named GmapAD1, which can adaptively map each graph into a new feature space based on its similarity to a set of representative nodes chosen from the graph set. By automatically adjusting the candidate nodes using a specially designed evolutionary algorithm, anomalies and normal graphs are mapped to separate areas in the new feature space where a clear boundary between them can be learned. The selected candidate nodes can therefore be regarded as a benchmark for explaining anomalies because anomalies are more dissimilar/similar to the benchmark than normal graphs. Through our extensive experiments on nine real-world datasets, we demonstrate that exploring both intra- and inter- graph structural and attribute information is critical to spot anomalous graphs, and our method has achieved statistically significant improvements compared to the state of the art in terms of precision, recall, F1 score, and AUC.

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When real data is modeled as a set of graphs to represent real objects and their relationships, our aim is to detect abnormal graphs within the set, which are known as graph-level anomalies. Graph anomalies are common, and detecting them is of great significance, for example, in identifying rare molecules and diagnosing brain disorders. To detect anomalies, existing methods readout a graph's representation from its own nodes and spot anomalies as outliers in the feature space. Their readout functions only consider the intra-graph information, while the cross-graph information is not explicitly explored. Thus, we propose GmapAD to investigate both information. We select a set of nodes from the entire graph set using differential evolutionary algorithm, and map each graph into a vector space based on its similarity to the nodes, which serve as a basis for detecting anomalies since all normal graphs are similar to them while anomalies are dissimilar. Our method can also be extended for other graph-level tasks.


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    KDD '23: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
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    Published: 04 August 2023


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    1. anomaly detection
    2. differential evolution
    3. graph anomaly detection
    4. graph representation learning


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