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Deep Transfer Learning for City-scale Cellular Traffic Generation through Urban Knowledge Graph

Published: 04 August 2023 Publication History


The problem of cellular traffic generation in cities without historical traffic data is critical and urgently needs to be solved to assist 5G base station deployments in mobile networks. In this paper, we propose ADAPTIVE, a deep transfer learning framework for city-scale cellular traffic generation through the urban knowledge graph. ADAPTIVE leverages historical data from other cities that have deployed 5G networks to assist cities that are newly deploying 5G networks through deep transfer learning. Specifically, ADAPTIVE can align the representations of base stations in the target city and source city while considering the environmental factors of cities, spatial and environmental contextual relations between base stations, and traffic temporal patterns at base stations. We next design a feature-enhanced generative adversarial network, which is trained based on the historical traffic data and representations of base stations in the source city. By feeding the aligned target city's base station representations into the trained model, we can then obtain the generated traffic data for the target city. Extensive experiments on real-world cellular traffic datasets show that ADAPTIVE generally outperforms state-of-the-art baselines by more than 40% in terms of Jensen-Shannon divergence and root-mean-square error. Also, ADAPTIVE has strong robustness based on the results of various cross-city experiments. ADAPTIVE has been successfully deployed on the 'Jiutian' Artificial Intelligence Platform of China Mobile to support cellular traffic generation and assist in the construction and operation of mobile networks.

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KDD '23: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
August 2023
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Published: 04 August 2023


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  4. urban knowledge graph


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