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Doctor Specific Tag Recommendation for Online Medical Record Management

Published: 04 August 2023 Publication History


With the rapid growth of online medical platforms, more and more doctors are willing to manage and communicate with patients via online services. Considering the large volume and various patient conditions, identifying and classifying patients' medical records has become a crucial problem. To efficiently index these records, a common practice is to annotate them with semantically meaningful tags. However, manual labeling tags by doctors is impractical due to the possibility of thousands of tag candidates, which necessitates a tag recommender system. Due to the long tail distribution of tags and the dominance of low-activity doctors, as well as the unique uploaded medical records, this task is rather challenging. This paper proposes an efficient doctor specific tag recommendation framework for improved medical record management without side information. Specifically, we first utilize effective language models to learn the text representation. Then, we construct a doctor embedding learning module to enhance the recommendation quality by integrating implicit information within text representations and considering latent tag correlations to make more accurate predictions. Extensive experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework from the viewpoints of all doctors (20% improvement) or low-activity doctors (10% improvement).

Supplementary Material

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Promotional video for Doctor Specific Tag Recommendation for Online Medical Record Management


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    KDD '23: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
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    Published: 04 August 2023


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