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Extreme Multi-Label Classification for Ad Targeting using Factorization Machines

Published: 04 August 2023 Publication History


Applications involving Extreme Multi-Label Classification (XMLC) face several practical challenges with respect to scale, model size and prediction latency, while maintaining satisfactory predictive accuracy. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Label Factorization Machine (MLFM) model, which addresses some of the challenges in XMLC problems. We use behavioral ad targeting as a case study to illustrate the benefits of the MLFM model. Predicting user qualifications for targeting segments plays a major role in both personalization and real-time bidding. Considering the large number of segments and the prediction time requirements of real-world production systems, building scalable models is often difficult and computationally burdensome. To cope with these challenges, we (1) reformulate the problem of assigning users to segments as a multi-label classification (XMLC) problem, and (2) leverage the benefits of the conventional FM model and generalize its capacity to joint prediction across a large number of targeting segments. We have shown that the MLFM model is both effective and computationally efficient compared to several baseline models on publicly available datasets in addition to the targeting use case.

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Short promotional video for the paper ?Extreme Multi-Label Classification for Ad Targeting using Factorization Machines?, published at KDD 2023. The paper tackles the problem of extreme multi-label classification in applications related to personalization and recommendation with high accuracy and low latency.


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KDD '23: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
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Published: 04 August 2023


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  1. ad targeting
  2. extreme multi-label classification
  3. factorization machines
  4. user modeling


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