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Restoration of Multiple Image Distortions using a Semi-dynamic Deep Neural Network

Published: 27 October 2023 Publication History


Restoring multiple image distortions with a single model is difficult because different distortions require fundamentally different processing mechanisms, e.g., deblurring requires high-pass filtering, while denoising requires low-pass filtering operations. This paper presents a dynamic universal image restoration (DUIR) system capable of simultaneously processing multiple distortions. The new model features several innovative designs: (i) a distortion embedding module (DEM) to automatically encode the distortion information of an input, (ii) a distortion attention module (DAM) that uses a bi-directional long short-term memory (LSTM) to encode the distortion into a sequence of forward and backward interdependent modulating signals, and (iii) a dynamically adaptive image restoration deep convolutional neural network (DAIR-DCNN) featuring unique semi-dynamic layers (SDLs) in which part of their parameters are dynamically modulated by the distortion signals. DEM, DAM, and SDLs together make DAIR-DCNN adaptive to the distortions of the current input, which in turn equips the DUIR system with the capability of simultaneously processing multiple image distortions with a single trained model. We present extensive experimental results to show that the new technique achieves superior performance to state-of-the-art models on both synthetic and real data. We further demonstrate that a trained DUIR system can simultaneously handle different distortions, including those with conflicting demands, such as denoising, deblurring, and compression artifact removal.

Supplemental Material

MP4 File
In this video, we will talk about our work "Restoration of Multiple Image Distortions using a Semi-dynamic Deep Neural Network". The motivation, data observation and model analysis are introduced in the first part. Then, we will talk about our model construction and how to train this model. The final part showed a variety of results of experiments including model comparison in datasets and real-world datasets, our ablation study, as well as many visualisation results.


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Index Terms

  1. Restoration of Multiple Image Distortions using a Semi-dynamic Deep Neural Network



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    Published: 27 October 2023


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