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OCSKB: An Object Component Sketch Knowledge Base for Fast 6D Pose Estimation

Published: 27 October 2023 Publication History


6D pose estimation from a single RGB image is a fundamental task in computer vision. In most methods of instance-level or category-level 6D pose estimation, accurate CAD models or point cloud models are indispensable part. It is not easy to quickly obtain the models of these everyday objects. To address this issue, we present a part-level object component sketch knowledge base which consists of 270 real-world object sketch models of 30 categories. Objects are disassembled into geometry components with spatial relationship according to their functions and structures, and convert them into three basic spatial structures: frustum, circular truncated cone, and sphere. We present a fast pipeline for sketch modeling with our tool. The average time for this method to build a simple model for everyday objects is about 2 minutes. Additionally, we leverage the geometric information and spatial relationships inherent in the multiple viewpoint projection maps of these sketch bases to develop a rapid inference framework for 6D pose estimation. The interpretable steps in our framework gradually retrieve and activate valid solutions in the discrete 6D pose space. Extensive experiments in real-world environments have demonstrated that our method can reliably and robustly estimate the 6D pose of objects, even without access to accurate CAD or point cloud models. Furthermore, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance, operating at a speed of 90 frames per second using parallel computing on GPU.


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Index Terms

  1. OCSKB: An Object Component Sketch Knowledge Base for Fast 6D Pose Estimation



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    Published: 27 October 2023


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    1. 6d pose estimation
    2. geometry components
    3. interpretable steps
    4. knowledge base


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    • Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Scene Understanding and Intelligent Interaction
    • Natural Science Foundation of China
    • Guangzhou Key Research and Development Program


    MM '23
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    October 29 - November 3, 2023
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