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View all- Markham RLópez JNieto-Hidalgo MTapia J(2024)Open-Set: ID Card Presentation Attack Detection Using Neural Style TransferIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2024.339719012(68573-68585)Online publication date: 2024
We consider the problem of detection and tracking of multiple people in crowded street scenes. State-of-the-art methods perform well in scenes with relatively few people, but are severely challenged by scenes with many subjects that partially occlude ...
We propose a new method for object tracking in image sequences using template matching. To update the template, appearance features are smoothed temporally by robust Kalman filters, one to each pixel. The resistance of the resulting template to partial ...
We propose that left- and right-half-occlusion regions contain information that can distinguish between stereoscopic and pseudoscopic display conditions. A machine vision method is presented based on this idea, which detects pseudo copy using only the ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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