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Multi-view Self-Expressive Subspace Clustering Network

Published: 27 October 2023 Publication History


Advanced deep multi-view subspace clustering methods are based on the self-expressive model, which has achieved impressive performance. However, most existing works have several limitations: 1) They endure high computational complexity when learning a consistent affinity matrix, impeding their capacity to handle large-scale multi-view data; 2) The global and local structure information of multi-view data remains under-explored. To tackle these challenges, we propose a simplistic but comprehensive framework called Multi-view Self-Expressive Subspace Clustering (MSESC) network. Specifically, we design a deep metric network to replace the conventional self-expressive model, which can directly and efficiently produce the intrinsic similarity values of any instance-pairs of all views. Moreover, our method explores global and local structure information from the connectivity of instance-pairs across views and the nearest neighbors of instance-pairs within the view, respectively. By integrating global and local structure information within a unified framework, MSESC can learn a high-quality shared affinity matrix for better clustering performance. Extensive experimental results indicate the superiority of MSESC compared to several state-of-the-art methods.

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MM '23: Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia
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Published: 27 October 2023


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  1. deep learning
  2. large-scale data
  3. multi-view clustering
  4. subspace learning


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MM '23
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October 29 - November 3, 2023
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  • (2025)Multiview Feature Decoupling for Deep Subspace ClusteringIEEE Transactions on Multimedia10.1109/TMM.2024.352177627(544-556)Online publication date: 2025
  • (2025)Self-supervised disentangled representation learning with distribution alignment for multi-view clusteringDigital Signal Processing10.1016/j.dsp.2025.105078(105078)Online publication date: Feb-2025
  • (2024)Scalable Multi-view Unsupervised Feature Selection with Structure Learning and FusionProceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia10.1145/3664647.3681223(5479-5488)Online publication date: 28-Oct-2024

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