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View all- Zhang SChen WLi XLiu QWang G(2025)APBAM: Adversarial Perturbation-driven Backdoor Attack in Multimodal LearningInformation Sciences10.1016/j.ins.2024.121847(121847)Online publication date: Jan-2025
Backdoor attack is a major threat to deep learning systems in safety-critical scenarios, which aims to trigger misbehavior of neural network models under attacker-controlled conditions. However, most backdoor attacks have to modify the neural network ...
Backdoor attacks are poisoning attacks and serious threats to deep neural networks. When an adversary mixes poison data into a training dataset, the training dataset is called a poison training dataset. A model trained with the poison training dataset ...
Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL) has attracted considerable interest due to its impressive node representation learning capability. Despite the wide application of GCL techniques, little attention has been paid to the security of GCL. In this paper, we ...
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